"Green Polytechnic" - environmental program of PNRPU

05 april 2019

     Green Polytechnic is the environmental program of PNRPU, which has been implemented at the university since 2012. As part of this program, the university launched the projects “Separate waste collection in PNRPU” and “Green Campus”; excursions on the “Eco-path in PNRPU Complex”, to the PNRPU smart home “iHouse”, in the laboratory complex of deep optical-mechanical waste sorting are being organized for everyone.

     The project for separate collection of municipal solid waste started in PNRPU in 2012. The practice of separate waste collection allows reducing the amount of waste entering landfills and dumps. Containers for separate waste collection provided by Bumatika LLC were installed at the sites for garbage collection of educational buildings and student dormitories of the university. New orange containers are designed to collect paper, plastic and metal. Collected waste is sent for recycling; recycled materials are used as raw materials in the manufacture of new products. The program of separate waste collection improves the image of Perm Polytechnic University as an organization that cares about the environment.

     Since 2015, the Perm Polytechnic University monthly carries out actions of waste paper and waste batteries collection. From 2018, collection of waste plastic, glass, iron and aluminum cans was added to these events.

     During the Green Polytechnic program, the university sent for recycling:

  • 30 tons of waste paper,
  • 1.6 tons of plastic,
  • 0.5 tons of batteries,
  • 20 kg of waste glass,
  • 12 kg of aluminum and iron cans.

     Since 2016, Perm Polytechnic has been included in the prestigious international environmental rating of universities (UI GreenMetric World University Ranking), which is formed by the University of Indonesia.

     In this rating over the past year, PNRPU ranked 240th in the global list of eco-friendly universities. Among the universities of the Russian Federation, Perm Polytechnic is in 6th place! A total of 719 universities from 81 countries were included in the ranking in 2018.
