Round table “Climate-neutral environmental management. Adaptation to climate change"

03 october 2023

As part of the VI International Scientific Conference “FROM WASTE MANAGEMENT TO RESOURCE RECOVERY”, a Round Table on Climate-Neutral Environmental Management will be held on October 12, 2023 at 15:00 in room 222a at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

The following issues are planned for discussion at this event:

• Climate agenda in Russia and in the world

• Low carbon development and decarbonization

• ESG transformation of enterprises

• Climate projects and their implementation

• Carbon reporting

• Assessment of the risks of climate change and their consequences for the region

• Adaptation to climate change

Keynote speakers:

Vladimir V. BRIZHANIN, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Alexander V. PODKOVYROV, G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Moscow, Russia

Sergey M. EGORSHEV, Russian Ecological Operator Public Company, Moscow, Russia

Evgeniy V. PANIN, Agency for Validation and Verification of Greenhouse Gases ANO "SOYUZEXPERTIZA" CCI RF, Moscow, Russia

Maxim V. GLUKHIKH, Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Technologies for Public Health Risk Management, Perm, Russia

Representatives of science, business and government will take part in the discussion dedicated to the implementation of the climate doctrine of the Russian Federation and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

To participate in the round table, pre-registration is required via the link . The number of participants present in person is limited. A link to the roundtable will be sent to all registered participants by email prior to the event.

If you have any questions, please contact the organizer of the round table Ekaterina Belik, e-mail:, (342) 239-14-82
